Whether you belong to an association or not plays no role. The goal is to learn Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) Kung-Fu authentically and completely as a unique science of combat. Ving Tsun Kung-Fu (Wing Tsun) is widespread around the world, many people are enthusiastic about this type of Kung-Fu. Unfortunately, Wing Chun is often not fully understood because of the lack of knowledge or an incomplete education. If you are ready to expand your knowledge and want to learn this martial art completely and authentically, I offer you an honest opportunity without secrets.

Ving Tsun Kung Fu is designed as a very efficient combat system. For this reason the system emphasizes power, precision, speed and balance in conjunction with the right principles.
For example the centreline theory, the principle of economy of motion, and the constant forward force. But the most important weapon in Ving Tsun Kung-Fu is the mind. So we train this mind force right at the beginning in our first form, the Siu Nim Tao.

If you put two men together with equal skill, the big guy would always win.
If you are not as good or as big as the other guy, timing is very important. My goal is to provide an excellent training to achieve the right timing depending on speed and coordination. Master Yip Man encouraged his followers to prove and test the knowledge that he gave. Where necessary to discard it, refine it or improve it. Even if you do not want to “change” your method, open your mind to concepts that will enhance your own personal development regardless of your Wing Chun lineage or chosen style.

The Chi Sao training is a partner workout in which we are in a constant exchange of power with our partner. We always try to find a direct way to the target. Chi Sao is not fighting, it should only help us to build up the right reflexes for the fight.
The goal is to quickly get in an advantageous position. In Chi Sao there are some important things to consider. Apart from the fact that one should always be on the shortest way to the goal, we always have to maintain our body structure. For example the head as the highest point. If you move your head to much you constantly need a balancing movement and because of this movements you finally become unstable. When the basic stance is practised correctly you can develop a feeling for your center of mass. When you know how to control your center of mass during Chisao, you can absorb incoming forces.

If you are not able to keep your balance, all techniques are useless. If the typical stance is executed with the necessary principles, it helps you to develop a feeling for your center of mass. When you get this feeling, you know exactly how you have to handle incoming forces to maintain your balance. These and other basic rules of the Wing Chun (Wing Tsun, Ving Tsun) are first things you have to understand in theory and at the same time to be felt by practical examples. The "experience" is an important part of the training, because this effects are difficult to put into words.

With the focus on meeting our target with great control, we have some special training methods in Chisao combined with dynamic exercises on the focus mitts. The precision and body coordination are trained by favorable movement patterns and fast changes of direction. Additional training on the wall- and heavy bag gives a clear feedback on the right line of force, body mechanics and endurance. After the basic elements are mastered, the pressure in the Gohsao and Sparring can be increased. Now new physical and mental deficits are breaking up. This way we can isolate wrong behavioral patterns and eliminate them by individual training. Last but not least, the quality of your attacks, the "Ving Tsun Shapes" and the "Chisao Training" in conjunction with the right exercises are effective tools to master this task perfectly.


LONGPOLE (Lok Dim Boon Gwan)

If you can move well in the unarmed Wing Chun, it's time for the double knives (Baat Cham Dao). Now, due to the exceptional circumstances, new advantageous methods are being developed. Any wrong movement can be fatal. So in the "Wing Chun" Baat Jaam Dao training the distance changes. The way we generate forces as well as the way we perform our footwork. Now you get a special footwork to improve your coordination. Mastering this weapon requires a lot of skill and sweaty exercises. One more reason to start in time. All the exercises described above are training tools that should get you to your goal faster and easier. For this reason they were developed by humans for humans. The developers of this martial arts pursued their traditionally logical approach not only in fighting, but also in the training setup!

In my seminars you learn to inspire your students and also to convey your skills and knowledge in a lasting way. In private lessons or weekly seminar it is an advantage if you already have Ving Tsun (Wing Chun, Wing Tsun) experience. As an instructor you are teaching and creating other people, so you should be able to put yourself into your disciple. All martial artists also have a responsibility to their students, to themselves and their martial arts. I am convinced that all martial arts schools, with their trainers and assistants, teach from conviction and passion. The aim of all Wing Chun (Wing Tsun, Ving Tsun) styles should be to ensure a high quality training for the students. As a requirement oriented training, it doesn`t matter whether you want to be a trainer or already teaching a training class. In the seminars I am teaching the following aspects.

• Detailed explanation of all forms, includes ideas and application examples for
• Detailed explanation of all forms, includes ideas and application examples for
Siu Nim Tao
Chum Kiu
Biu Jee

Muk Yan Chong
Lok Dim Boon Gwan
Baat Cham Dao
• ChiSao: balance, speed, power, center of mass, advantageous positions
• Understanding of principles, strategies and applications
• Biomechanics in the Ving Tsun Kung-Fu: force, recoil, gravity, lever laws etc.
• Detailed analysis and individual improvement strategies for your daily training
• Insight into closely related styles
• Understanding of principles, strategies and applications
• Biomechanics in the Ving Tsun Kung-Fu: force, recoil, gravity, lever laws etc.
• Detailed analysis and individual improvement strategies for your daily training
• Insight into closely related styles
• Combat Sports and Kung-Fu:
• Combat Sports and Kung-Fu:
Over 2000 different styles, origin of many combat sports
• Ving Tsun (Wing Tsun) myth and derivatives
• Didactic basic skills and communicative skills
• Dealing with difficult training situations
• Teaching structure: approach to different age groups,
• Ving Tsun (Wing Tsun) myth and derivatives
• Didactic basic skills and communicative skills
• Dealing with difficult training situations
• Teaching structure: approach to different age groups,
independent training methods
• School management: organization,
• School management: organization,
advertising management and implementation
Actually it is only about the phonetic translation of two Chinese characters 詠春 which in Europe usually refer to the same origin, namely Yip (Ip) Man. When Yip Man came to Hong Kong in 1949, the city was an English colony (1843-1997) and the most common foreign language was English. The Chinese term 詠春 can be called phonetically in the English language as Wing Chun, which is still used as a upper term. Since Wing Chun is abbreviated also called "WC" and thus provide grounds for ridicule, Yip Man opted for the spelling Ving Tsun Kung Fu. Also because of the "V" like Victory, the term seemed to him to be more appropriate.
After that, he founded the first Ving Tsun association based in Hong Kong in 1967 (5 years before his death). The "Ving Tsun Athletic Association". To distinguish themselves from other teachers and classmates, some instructors also use the spellings such as Wing Tsun, Wing Tzun, Wing Tjun or Yong Tjun (Chinese Mandarin). There are also a lot of Wing Chun associations in Europe like the EWTO, WTEO, WTAS, IWKA, IWTSA, DVT ... and many more. For me the individual conflicts of spelling Wing Chun is secondary, because all of the instructors should have the goal to pass this unique martial art authentically and complete to the next generation.

After that, he founded the first Ving Tsun association based in Hong Kong in 1967 (5 years before his death). The "Ving Tsun Athletic Association". To distinguish themselves from other teachers and classmates, some instructors also use the spellings such as Wing Tsun, Wing Tzun, Wing Tjun or Yong Tjun (Chinese Mandarin). There are also a lot of Wing Chun associations in Europe like the EWTO, WTEO, WTAS, IWKA, IWTSA, DVT ... and many more. For me the individual conflicts of spelling Wing Chun is secondary, because all of the instructors should have the goal to pass this unique martial art authentically and complete to the next generation.
This first form is the most important, our entire combat concepts are built on this form. It trains body and mind. In our stance (Yee Ji Kim Yeung Ma) the muscles in the body are strengthened and the spine is relieved. This form teaches the ability to coordinate your own body precisely and consciously. Important elements are to occupy the center line, the alignment (Chiu Ying), or the elastic forward pressure (Lat Sau Jik Chung).

I started training in martial arts in 1987. Like many other children of my age, I was impressed by the martial artist on TV. So I started in a martial arts school for Tae Kwon Do. At the same time I gained experiences in kickboxing, boxing and ju-jitsu. I trained hard 5 times a week until I had the first contact to Wing Chun (Wing Tsun, Ving Tsun). I found many theories logical and effective, so I decided to devote all my energy to this Kung-Fu fighting style.

I have been practicing and teaching this logical method of combat since 1995. Within 3-4 years I had achieved the Instructor-Level in a large European association and was nevertheless dissatisfied. My further development in Wing Chun (Ving Tsun, Wing Tsun) should be interrupted by politics and horrendous costs. However, I loved Ving Tsun too much that I would just leave this passion behind me. So I was ready to go outside the box and invested a lot of money. I participated in seminars all over Europe and took private lessons from great masters in Hong Kong. I also had the privilege to meet a lot of long term students of Wong Shun Leung. I am very grateful for the support of these great teachers and the ongoing friendship with some of them. Today I am a member and certified instructor of the VTAA "Ving Tsun Athletic Association" in Hong Kong. This Association that was founded in 1967 by Ip (Yip) Man himself.
Today, I am teaching a lot of experienced Wing Tsun/Ving Tsun masters and teachers from many different Wing Chun lineages. These students are from different countries and sometimes have more than 30 years of Wing Chun experience. As a "self-correcting system" I am teaching Ving Tsun (Wing Tsun) as an effective combat system which is based on his scientific approach. The path to perfection goes beyond the self-knowledge and is a continuous process. We are not programmable robots and human errors always can happen. However, for each mistake Ving Tsun Kung-Fu provides also a clever way of correction. These skills can only be learned through personal guidance of an experienced coach. My goal is to teach Wing Chun in a complete manner and save the practitioners from unnecessary waiting periods. Because for many practitioners the loss of time is even worse than the loss of money. For further questions you can write me via the contact form.
Today, I am teaching a lot of experienced Wing Tsun/Ving Tsun masters and teachers from many different Wing Chun lineages. These students are from different countries and sometimes have more than 30 years of Wing Chun experience. As a "self-correcting system" I am teaching Ving Tsun (Wing Tsun) as an effective combat system which is based on his scientific approach. The path to perfection goes beyond the self-knowledge and is a continuous process. We are not programmable robots and human errors always can happen. However, for each mistake Ving Tsun Kung-Fu provides also a clever way of correction. These skills can only be learned through personal guidance of an experienced coach. My goal is to teach Wing Chun in a complete manner and save the practitioners from unnecessary waiting periods. Because for many practitioners the loss of time is even worse than the loss of money. For further questions you can write me via the contact form.
BOOK YOUR SEMINAR-No matter what country you live in!
After 30 years of martial arts experience and 20 years of Ving Tsun training, today I am very happy to spare Wing Chun (Wing Tsun, Ving Tsun) practitioners the tortures of the past. Because in retrospect, the loss of time was worse than the loss of money. Regardless of your current graduation, you get structured and detailed information to bring your skill to the next level. If you need a non-binding overview of the training contents, I offer two types of Ving Tsun (Wing Tsun, Wing Chun) seminars:
Seminar 1. (1 Day -5 h)
• Principles, strategies and holistic functioning
• Body mechanics, footwork, standing and stepping
• An overview of the forms from Siu Nim Tao to Baat Cham Dao
• Chi-Sao training dills for balance and speed
• Principles, strategies and holistic functioning
• Body mechanics, footwork, standing and stepping
• An overview of the forms from Siu Nim Tao to Baat Cham Dao
• Chi-Sao training dills for balance and speed
Seminar 2. (2nd day -10h)
• Includes the first seminar
• Includes the first seminar
• Next stage of the forms (for example after the Chum Kiu we start with the Wooden Dummy form)
• Individual training plan after analysis of the previous developed
• Individual training plan after analysis of the previous developed
Do not hesitate to contact me, please fill in the contact form!
Göksel Erdogan
70435 Stuttgart